Jessica Burke
Jessica Burke

Jessica B.

Perhaps it is not why I am strong, but rather how the women in my life raised me to be strong.

My strength as a woman is directly derived from my intersectionality, and subsequently the space of light that I choose to inhabit because of it. I am a queer, Jewish woman who is deaf in one ear.

I am perpetually homesick, for both the East Coast and for Israel. I am an entrepreneur, organization founder, and community professional. I am multilingual, observant, and anxious. These complexities that live like layers and honeycombs within my life have provided infinite richness and sweetness. Perhaps it is not why I am strong, but rather how the women in my life raised me to be strong.

How I was taught to not act as a bystander. How I raised to think critically and not to subscribe to patriarchy. How I became self-aware in spite of myself. How I learned to hold myself accountable. How I constantly strive to improve. How I receive kindness and malice alike, and what I choose to do them.

I think, then, in the end- it can only be compassion that strengthens me.