Izzy Palmieri__
Izzy Palmieri__

Izzy P.

Being a strong woman is doing whatever it takes to accomplish what you need to.

Strength can be defined as a physical attribute or something that comes from within you. Being a strong woman for me is a little bit of both. I find most of my strength comes from the power of independence. I have been an independent woman my entire life. I feel that being independent doesn’t necessarily mean being alone, but it means that you provide for yourself emotionally and only depend on yourself to be happy. I don’t rely on others to get things done for me, instead, I take the initiative to do everything myself. By everything, I’m referring to small things like making food to larger scale things like traveling by train alone through cities in Europe for the first time in my life.

Being a strong woman is doing whatever it takes to accomplish what you need to. That accomplishment could be something like lugging around a suitcase that weighs almost as much as you, and although it seems impossible to get it up 2 feet onto a train, you do it, because it’s the only way to get to your next destination. That accomplishment could be finishing writing a song that you felt you could never finish because it was too difficult to tap into that side of your emotions. That accomplishment could be making it to the gym after a long day at work and still pushing through your work out. Being a strong woman to me is being able to step over what is in your way to accomplish any size dream and tapping into your independence to be the person you are meant to be all on your own.