Fiona K.
She is a woman who knows her insecurities and flaws but keeps pressing forward everyday trying her best.
What makes me a strong woman? I can honestly say that I do not identify myself as a strong woman but I can tell you how I try to be one everyday… By being honest, vulnerable, loving and faithful.
So let me start with who I am… I am an introvert with extrovert tendencies… I am usually worrying about something. I am usually stuck in my own mind.
I will be the first to tell you that I have been always worried about my looks and weight. Taking this photo was mortifying… Should I smile? Do my arms look flabby? I wish I had put more makeup on. I wish I had not have eaten that cake the night before.
I will also be the first to tell you that when people talk about my Brazilian Jiujitsu wins, I get self conscious and want to hide and disappear. When I am competing and we first shake hands, I am probably more scared of you than you are of me.
I am just a normal woman that has been through hell and back multiple times and I am just struggling with my everyday just like everyone else.
So to me… a strong woman is not a superhero like Wonder Woman. She is a woman who knows her insecurities and flaws but keeps pressing forward everyday trying her best. Who can look at her flaws and say ‘its okay I am going to work on this’. Who can tell her friends that she loves them and how much they mean to her without fear of the same feelings being returned. To be resilient no matter the circumstances that life throws at her. And finally, she is full of faith and knows that she was set apart and has a purpose in this life.