Jen W.

Learning how to feel my feelings rather than suppress them, process my emotions, speak my truth, and truly and deeply love myself unconditionally takes strength and courage I never knew I had. After losing almost everything to chronic pain in 2015, I discovered the key to my complete healing would lie in the ability to …

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Christina K.

It takes courage and a strong constitution to be willing to evolve and transform the habits that create our everyday life. What makes me a strong woman is my willingness to work on my shit. I take pride in the courage I have cultivated in my life and do not take that for granted. The …

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Rebecca H.

I’ve used the pain and trauma I’ve experienced as fuel to heal and embody my truth. My voice and resilience makes me a strong women. I grew up with difficult circumstances close to home and within the relationship I had to myself that were painful and heavy. Throughout the years of exploring the relationship to …

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Farnaz D.

I continuously remind myself to stay clear of seeking approval of my peers and those above me. Acknowledging that I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for the resilience and strength to overcome and blossom through the concrete cracks of hardships. Understanding that knowledge brings power, and using this as a …

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Danielle C.

I can now help others with the strength I have. Strong isn’t just a physical trait one possesses. What makes me strong is knowing where I came from. I’m able to wake up every morning grateful to have made it another night. For years I was going to bed praying I wouldn’t wake up. I …

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Shannon L.

Ultimately, empowered women empower women. I am a woman. I am a racial minority. I am a software engineer. I don’t think I was ever cut out for fitting in. Even when fitting in was all I wanted while growing up, I just looked, thought, and behaved differently. My little brother and I were raised …

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Heron S.

I’m strong because I struggle with being a mother and all the stress that comes with it I’m strong because I’m not always as strong as i would like to be. And i know thats where i can keep growing stronger. I’m strong because I want to see my sisters strong and I support them …

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Alexis M.

I believe in Love. I believe in the good in people and the world. For as long as I can remember I have been driven to be more, do more. For many years, I had distorted thinking about myself and the world. When you hear things often enough and loud enough whether people are saying …

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Gail B.

I am a woman of strength, and that is paramount to the definition of being a “strong woman”.My father always told me that I could accomplish whatever I set out to do… and I believed him. Though the goals and details changed as I created my life path, the strength to live life as a …

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Patricia C.

I have learned that strength cannot be sustained without rest and self-advocacy. I am a strong woman because of my resilience, self-love, and courage. Courage means learning to say “no” as a woman and recovering people pleaser who used to almost always say “yes.” I am learning to value consistency over short sprints. In my …

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