Cassidy G.
I am a strong woman because I’ve found my voice. it’s always been there, but I’ve found - and inherently felt - the power of knowing that my voice matters.
I am a strong woman because I know, and I feel, the value that I bring to this world. that can be a hard place to get to. I didn’t always feel that way – I didn’t always have that confidence or feel the conviction behind those words. and I definitely have days where that conviction is weaker.
But I know the power that my voice holds. I know what happens when one person stands up for what they believe in. and I know it can start with what feels like the tiniest of baby steps. but I know because I’ve been in those shoes. I’ve seen what can happen when you push past the fear of speaking out to take a stand for something you care about; when you start a conversation that isn’t otherwise being held; or when you vocalize facts about things still considered taboo in our society because you believe in them. From there, something magical happens. You start to see those baby steps turn into skips, and those skips into leaps, and suddenly there’s change. That hope for something better turns into positive, tangible progress towards that something better. And you realize that what you had to say was important. It helped other people hear their own voices standing up for something important, too.
I am a strong woman because I’ve found my voice. it’s always been there, but I’ve found – and inherently felt – the power of knowing that my voice matters. my thoughts, my opinions, and my passions matter. and more than anything, I believe in the importance of supporting other people in finding and believing in their voices, too. I want other people – other women – to feel empowered by the value they bring to this world. you are meant to be here, and your voice is meant to be heard. I am proud to be a woman, and I strive for the opportunity to stand alongside other women as they realize the strength of their voices, too..